Hitting The 20 Mile Mark, And I Feel Fine

Hitting The 20 Mile Mark, And I Feel Fine

Wow, what a great 20 mile training run today. That may sound crazy but with the cool weather and the great company of Harvey, Jason, and John it made for a good time. I can definitely tell I ran 20 miles, a little over actually, but I feel very good. If I can tackle the…
10 Mile Hard Run, In More Ways Than One

10 Mile Hard Run, In More Ways Than One

It was a real struggle to do 10 miles this morning after coming down with a cold and missing a training run. The first half was pretty good but the second half was a big push. I only got caught in a little bit of rain at the 7 mile mark so it was actually…
The Defining Moment For Why I Run

The Defining Moment For Why I Run

My run this morning consisted of a combo of an #Endomondo easy and a #HWI hard Tuesday run. Though many might see me as not knowing the meaning of an easy run, ha. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my time in Sierra Leone and the defining moment that occurred and encapsulates why…
Foggy Extended Run, Reminder, Don’t Forget The Nip Guards

Foggy Extended Run, Reminder, Don’t Forget The Nip Guards

It wasn’t a rainy morning but it sure was foggy. It was still good weather for a run. However, note to self, always wear nip guards on longer runs. I enjoy having the extended runs during the week as it gives me more quiet time. Getting enough sleep is the biggest problem though with the…