Working Hard To Make It Easy

Working Hard To Make It Easy

This morning during my prayer and worship time I immediately thought of the #EnableTheChildren staff and kids and the impact that rainy season has on them. I also focused on the #WorldHope teams as they work on drilling new wells. Praying for safety and success as the teams work to put the wells in that the #HWI team raised money for. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon

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New Well in Waterloo, Traveling to Freetown

New Well in Waterloo, Traveling to Freetown

Today was pretty easy-going as we packed up at the hotel in Makeni to head to Waterloo & Freetown, making the first step towards the trek home. We had a nice long ride to Waterloo where we were going to see some of the final drilling stages of a new well. The well was being…
Day Camp in Kathirie, Celebration And Sharing The Love

Day Camp in Kathirie, Celebration And Sharing The Love

Today started off a little bit slower. There was a little bit of a communication problem with breakfast but it all worked out with plenty of time before our World Hope transportation arrived. Terry and I actually had a little time to chat with some of the hotel staff after breakfast during and after the…
Day Of Visits And Experiences

Day Of Visits And Experiences

We started our day at the World Hope International offices with introductions of some of the key staff that are involved with putting in wells. We also got briefed on some things to expect for the day and coming week. After our time meeting with the staff we got a tour of the drilling equipment…