Preface: Healthy Living, A Story of Life Change

This post is the beginning of something bigger than myself. As I’ve been walking through a journey to get healthy over the past 8 months I have had many encounters with people that have asked me, either in depth or briefly, the “secret” to my weight loss. Recently, as I had breakfast with a very close friend/co-worker/brother-in-Christ he mentioned that I have a story worthy of a book. While I’m not sure about actually writing a book, I was prompted to consider how I might better share my story. I felt it was time that I dusted off my old blog and begin to put into words the journey I’ve been on.
I’m not sure what this is going to look like in the end, but everything takes one step at a time. Even if my story doesn’t do anything for anyone else I think it’s important to reflect on this life change, to understand where my life needs to be going and also acknowledge what God has done. If you have ever read any of my past blog posts you’ll know that the Life Shapes has played a big part in my life, and one thing I’ve learned is that life is made up of many Kairos moments. My journey over the past many months represents many Kairos moments that I still need to reflect on and process. So I look forward to the path ahead as I begin reflecting, and sharing my story one blog post at a time.