What motivates me? There are a few things. My health, my family, water for the people of Sierra Leone Africa, and time alone with God. Oh, and I am a little crazy and actually enjoy it.
When we set out on a run we never know how it’s going to go. We’re going to have good days and we’re going to have bad days. Regardless of how things go we have a God by our side that can get us through those tough hills, unexpected pains, or the feelings of giving…
A nice crisp cool morning run. No wind today just the way I like it. Great time to lift up those I know in need of miracles right now to God. #hwi #prayerrun Hudsonville, Michigan, United States of America
So yeah, I pretty much wasted the weekend away again. Not totally, but I could have done a lot more than I did. I guess I sort of get tired of doing stuff, like work, all the time and want some time to just kick back and relax. I’m feeling like I’m kind of spinning…