Well, you may have a hard time going anywhere with this site for a little bit. I’ll be in the progress of upgrading/redesigning my blog site. This page should end up being a static page once I begin. Check back a soon!
Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. – 1 Chronicles 16:34 NLT There are days, sometimes even seasons, in our lives that are tough, even painful, and yet we still need to give thanks to God. No matter what valleys we end up in God is there and…
So now my special someone is all the buzz with those that know me. Everyone wants to hear more about how things went, and what the scoop is. I even got asked did you get engaged. The answer to that is no. That is something that is in God’s hands and His timing. Whether He…
If we consider how generous God was to give His son to die for us, his call for us to be generous in our giving pales in comparison. I’ve heard it said, by Robert Morris I believe, that we can’t out give God. I’m always challenged in the area of generosity, with even my time…
Well, the world of IM & eHarmony have taking up a bit of my blogging time tonight. I won’t be getting much posted here before I call it a night. Something that I’ve struggled with over the past few days has been this thing called life, and more specifically the future of it. As each…
Of course, anyone that read my blog earlier, or will read my earlier post, will know that my day started out kind of crappy. Let’s just say that my mind and emotions got the better of me. Thanks to God for great friends and encouragers. I’m not sure if perhaps Caristy read my blog and…