4 Weeks Before The Big 26.2

After a bad spill this past Tuesday I was back at the park for our weekly group run. I’m thankful this was an overall short distance running week. I can say that I’m feeling good and ready to tackle 20 miles next week. After that I’ll be faced with getting through another 6.2mi/10k on race day.
I’m ready for the challenge of race day because I know that the reason I’m running is bigger than 26.2 miles.
If I can save lives by facing the challenge of 26.2 miles how can that not be worth it. The only sad thing right now is that I’m so far away from my goal. Right now I need to raise about $225 a week. Simply sharing my successes in social media is not enough.
I’ve stepped things up in my running and now I need to step things up in my fundraising.
I know that right now is tough in regards to giving, with the hurricanes that have hit the States and there being such a huge need here how can people think about sending money outside of this country. One thing that is a huge difference as I see it is that even in spite of the devastation from these hurricanes there are so much resources and support available to our fellow Americans. For the people of Africa there is such a huge lack of support from their own country, and countrymen, most people are on their own with no options for clean water.
Most Africans only have the choice to drink water that will kill them or not drink water and die from dehydration.
I can’t imagine being in a position of having to choose which way I’m willing to die. Can you? Don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting that anyone facing the devastation of the hurricanes is not in need of support be there is so much support available. I’m hoping that over the course of the next 4 Weeks I see those donations come in and I can be a bigger part of saving lives.