WordPress Grand Rapids – September 2018: Show And Tell

Nicole – BoldGrid
Post & Page Builder
- Free & Premium Versions
- Not Compatible With Editing on Mobile
- Not Yet Compatible With Gutenberg
- Premium Designer Blocks & Sliders
BoldGrid Central
- Free cloud-based WordPress instances for testing things out.
Crio WordPress Theme
- Available on ThemeForest
Topher – BigCommerce
- Provides a plugin that pushes your BigCommerce store content to WordPress.
- All-one SaaS platform.
- Uses an iframe for checkout so all transactions are at BigCommerce for PCI compliance
- Can connect BigCommerce to Amazon as a channel.
- WordPress is just like a channel in BigCommerce and you can push specific products or product categories to different WordPress sites.
- Request WordPress Beta Access and get free Dev BigCommerce access for life.
General Tips
- Plugins