A Little Farther, A Little Slower

This morning was really not even a full mile farther than Tuesday. Things were a little slower today but that’s just fine, it was still a good solid run. I really need to start working on a new training plan soon. I’ll have to wait to start a new training plan until I’m back I the swing of things after my surgery next week. I’m hoping that I don’t have to take too much of a break from running after my surgery, but we’ll see what happens.
I’m still in the fence on whether I’ll be running the full marathon again this year or if I’ll be scaling back to the half marathon. I’ll have to make a final decision once I’ve recovered from my surgery. I’ll have to wait to register for awhile since my connection for a free entry won’t get his codes until like August. I’m hoping it works out otherwise I’ll end up having to pay a premium for my entry. It’s a little bit of a gamble but it’s worth it if I get a free entry. I’m also going to need to get new shoes again soon, but I’m hoping to find a sale online for another pair of the shoes I already have. I try to just go in for a fitting after every-other pair of new shoes. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon