While I have been involved with Hope Water International, I have seen first hand the lives that are changed. Obviously, being able to travel to Sierra Leone Africa I saw what kind of life change can occur for people there. However, the other place that lives are changed are right here within the #HWI Team….
As much as I’d like to think that I was ready to parent the fact is that I owe a lot to my wife. If it wasn’t for my wife’s knowledge and experience my kids wouldn’t have had the experiences they have had so far. I’m still learning everyday day how to be a better…
I am more than willing to endure some discomfort, and tough days, if it means making water available to a village in Africa. Something that can mean the difference between life and death. #HWI #KCC #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRHalfMarathon #RiverBankRun
The torsion spring winding today I ordered from Amazon arrived today so I got to work removing the old broken spring in order to measure so I could order the new one. Found some great detailed instructions on replacing and measuring the spring. Hopefully I can get the right spring ordered and get this garage…