Well, so it’s been almost 2 weeks since my last post. I think I need to do something about this. In no way have I gotten tired of the whole blog scene, it’s just that my life has changed so much. I’m still finding my way back to something that feels normal. Everything here still…
We had a fun day as a family at the Air Zoo. We’d never been there but this month there was a reciprocity deal with the Grand Rapids Public Museum. I love the reciprocity deals you get with memberships. Nice to try some new things. #FamilyOuting #GRPM #AirZoo
Psalm 25:8, Psalm 34:8, continuing on in getting to know who Gos is, we have to understand that God is good. It always makes me a little frustrated when I hear the classic argument, “If God does exist, why is there so many bad things in the world?”. I almost what to laugh in disgust….
Sporting the Slip n Slide 5K shirt on my training run this morning. It was a hot one at 5am, I can’t imagine doing my run later today. Running in the heat took me back to our short 3 mile run in Freetown #SierraLeone and remembering #WhyIRun for those in need. I was blessed to…