Making A Way For Education Through Clean Water

All it will take is 20 people to each give $12.75 from now until the #GRMarathon day to hit my goal and bring another 19 people clean water. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun
What we do today has an impact on the future of the generations to come. Bringing clean water to a village in Africa can mean the difference between their children having an education or not. Clean water has long lasting effects that will change the world. What better way to invest in the future generations.
Even though my training plan called for an easy run I took the short distance as an opportunity to push myself. I could definitely feel the warmer temperature this morning. Needless to say, it took me awhile to get cooled down even after my shower.bin hope my dedication to pushing myself prompt others to step up and take part in the cause.