Giving Your Time And Attention

Nothing can replace time. Kids don’t need things; they need time.
YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here:
Just last night I had the opportunity to help start the Watch D.O.G.S. program at my children’s elementary school. One of the reasons for this is put together so nicely in my devotions this morning, showing our kids how important they are by giving them time.
The essence of relationships is not what we do for each other or what we give to each other. The essence of relationships is how much of ourselves we give to each other.
YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here:
“I give my wife everything she needs. I give my kids everything they need. What more do they want?”
They want you! They want your time. They want your attention. They want your focus. They want to know that you think they matter. Nothing can replace time. Kids don’t need things; they need time.
YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here: