Knocking Out Another Thursday 3 Mile Training Run For Clean Water

Sometimes, even when you’ve tried to resist it, you fall into old running habits. I’ll expand on that later if you keep reading. We can so easily take water for granted. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #HWI #KCC #GRHalfMarathon
All across America people water their lawns to make them green, fill their giant pools to cool off and enjoy a swim, and a number of other easily wasteful uses of water. We forget how privileged we are compared to many who have to walk miles just to get a drink of water, and often dirty water. We can use our privilege to make a difference around the world to bring clean water to those in need.
Today was supposed to be an easy run. Even though I no longer have pace feedback turned on, I’ve run enough to know how I might be doing just based on how long it’s taken me to go a distance. I know I was pushing things too hard based on my heart rate. I was feeling OK so I figured pushing it harder was OK, and justified it due to my challenging Tuesday run.
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