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Moving On From A Marathon…It’s Really Not About Me


So today is the 2nd day since completing the marathon, and unfortunately I find myself in more of a discouraged state than in celebration of my accomplishment. There are many things going through my head, many thoughts that cause me to be more disappointed with marathon Sunday. Nothing played out like I had hoped.

  • I ended up coming in behind most of all the other marathon runners from our group despite leading the pack throughout training.
  • I didn’t get to cross the finish line with my running partner, or my kids.
  • I ended up walking most of the last 4.5 miles.
  • I ended up going to the medical aid tent after crossing the finish line.
  • I have no photo of me crossing the finish line. And not really much of any other great photos.

And to top it all off it appears that I probably have an injury that may in fact mean that I will never run a marathon again, at least not without extreme pain that will take me out of running to recover.

The biggest problem I see, that list is all about “I”, and none of those things were the purpose for running anyways. The reason for doing the marathon at all was to bring hope, water, and life to those in need. God used me to help raise $1000 of a $10,000 well that will be put in a village in Sierra Leone Africa. Our team has raised enough funds, with matching gifts, to be put in nearly 15 Wells in Sierra Leone. That’s the big picture, that’s the true purpose. Yes, I have disappointments and I’m genuinely concerned I may no longer be able to run like I was, but I still have to trust in God’s plan, His purpose, and follow where He leads me. That is where I need to put my hope and trust. And honestly, all of my disappointments could in be more about God not letting me open sight of the bigger picture.

I don’t know what running will be in my future but I’m still committed to my HWI team, even if that means simply manning a water station, which as a runner, I know how critical those water stations are.

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” – Isaiah 6:8 NLT

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