Nearing The End Of The 25K Training

Nearing The End Of The 25K Training

I’m on the taper part of my training as the #RiverBankRun approaches this Saturday. After not running for a few days I wondered how this morning would even go. It started off slow but by the end I was cruisin’. I managed to get another PR this morning which feels like a good place to…
Just Shy Of A Half Marathon Before Breakfast

Just Shy Of A Half Marathon Before Breakfast

This week is supposed to be the start of the training taper before the River Bank Run 25K next week. With a long interval run this morning it’s hard to think of this being a taper, but there isn’t a run scheduled for Saturday according to the plan I’m following so I guess that signifies…
Mind Over Matter on a Monday

Mind Over Matter on a Monday

This morning was one of those where I had to make the choice of whether I was going to actually get out and run or go back to bed. I was pretty sore after spending most of the weekend building a shed. I managed to get out there and knock out a 10K. #HWI #Run4Water…