Eating Right For Running
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Eating Right For Running

As my wife and I have been on a journey of eating healthy, and being more active, I’m always interested in ideas for new recipes or things to try for snacks/meals/etc. Following some of the activity tracking app blogs or other runner blogs is always a good source of ideas. 4 Recipes for Runners: Eat…
Hard Working Weekend, Deck Progress Was Made
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Hard Working Weekend, Deck Progress Was Made

Besides an awesome 5K training group run with the HWI Team Daybreak on Saturday it was pretty much a deck building weekend. I spent most of the day Saturday completing the deck support base. And on Sunday I was able to get cracking on screwing down the deck board. I completed half the deck. I…
QualityTime - Android App
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Taking A Break From Tech

So a few days ago a came across an article about a different app, for iOS, that had the intent on monitoring and setting up some boundaries when it comes to smartphone use. This app was one that had been previously reviewed, and recommended, for Android devices. I’m giving this a try, as I’m trying…
Evening At The Park With The Family
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Evening At The Park With The Family

Had a wonderful evening with the family at Rosewood Park. We didn’t know the splash pad was even running yet. We will have to come back another day to enjoy it. The kids were bummed but did take their shoes and socks off to play in the puddles. Michigan, United States of America