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The Invisible Man Speaks!

OK, folks. So it has been a rather long time since I last posted. Let’s just say that my life has been a little busy. Last week on Monday I started my new job. My official title is Associate Network Planning Engineer, isn’t that a mouth full. I work on a team that develops tools…
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What God Brings…

It has been a few days since my last update. I think I should now be able to have more regular updates as I finally have internet access at my place, and my wireless is up and running. It’s not that I couldn’t post from Vanessa’s, that’s where the last one was posted from, I’ve…
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Everything In It’s Time

For me as a Christian, it seems that one of the things I struggle with most is leaving things in God’s hands. I don’t know if part of my struggle is because I’m a man, and I feel the uncontrollable urge to fix things and have eveything planned out. When I don’t know God’s plan,…