The Defining Moment For Why I Run

The Defining Moment For Why I Run

My run this morning consisted of a combo of an #Endomondo easy and a #HWI hard Tuesday run. Though many might see me as not knowing the meaning of an easy run, ha. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my time in Sierra Leone and the defining moment that occurred and encapsulates why…
Running The 2018 Grand Rapids Marathon for Clean Water
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Running The 2018 Grand Rapids Marathon for Clean Water

This past Saturday I completed an 18 mile training run for the 2018 #GRMarathon in an effort to raise money for wells in Africa. Would you consider partnering with me? Donate Now – I’m about $350 away from hitting the $1000 mark, with another $1000 to go to hit my goal. Someone has stepped…
An “Easy” 5 Mile Recovery Training Run

An “Easy” 5 Mile Recovery Training Run

Decided to hit some of what used to be a pretty regular route for me. I still tweaked it a bit though. Today was supposed to be an “easy” run but it was more of a “comfortable” run for me, basically if I was comfortable running a sub-8 minutes per mile then that is what…
Knocking Out A Hot 18 Miles

Knocking Out A Hot 18 Miles

Knocked out a long 18 miles with my running partner this morning. Glad to have someone to help keep me going. “If you want to run fast, run alone. If you want to run far, run in community.” The second half of the run was hot out in that sun. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water