Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Despite the rain and chill, caused by a little breeze, it was decent enough to get out for a longer run. The weather was still a big motivator to keep going, which unfortunately caused my pace to be faster than what the training plan called for, but oh well. #Endomondo I enjoyed a run full…
Unusual Running For A Wednesday

Unusual Running For A Wednesday

I waivered on whether to go out and run or break out the treadmill this morning. For me I figure if I’ve ran part of a marathon in a cold downpouring rain I can handle a 50 degree sprinkle for a free miles. In general I will always opt for the outdoors versus the treadmill….
An “Easy” 5 Mile Recovery Training Run

An “Easy” 5 Mile Recovery Training Run

Decided to hit some of what used to be a pretty regular route for me. I still tweaked it a bit though. Today was supposed to be an “easy” run but it was more of a “comfortable” run for me, basically if I was comfortable running a sub-8 minutes per mile then that is what…
Sweating It Out On A Tuesday Run

Sweating It Out On A Tuesday Run

OK, since my post text just got all blown away from a dumb paste instead of copy here’s the #TLDR of it. #humid #sweat #TrainingPlan #OffTheRails #NoTrainingPlan #Prayer #ETC #Ronkorhun #PrayersForMyFamily #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water
Cool Morning Interval Run Focusing On My Family
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Cool Morning Interval Run Focusing On My Family

Decided to “follow” the #Endomondo training plan today to get a longer interval run in. So far I’ve been doing some mix of the #HWI training plan and the Endomondo one. We’ll see how well that works out for me. It was a very cool morning for a run, I was pretty surprised when I…
Early Tuesday Morning Training Run For Clean Water

Early Tuesday Morning Training Run For Clean Water

It’s a strange thing comparing your hot midday run to your cool early morning. I would have thought that I was going to knock my pace out of the park this morning but alas no. I have to believe that my lack of rest last night was a major contributor. The interesting thing was seeing…