Struggling Through Another Round Of Speed Work

Struggling Through Another Round Of Speed Work

Another speed work training run to kick my butt this morning. I pretty much struggled to keep up with the fast 7:27 min/mile pace I was supposed to be maintaining for 4 minute intervals. We’ll see how this winter training goes. I have a feeling it’s going to be challenging to get through speed work…
Pushing Through An Intense Speed Test Run

Pushing Through An Intense Speed Test Run

Back at it again this morning. It was an intense short training test run. I was hoping to see a #5K #PR but that may have to wait until Saturday when I do the #HotCiderHustle 5K. I had just ran the night before so my body hadn’t really had a ton of recovery time. I’ll…
What Does A Speed And Endurance Test Run Get You?

What Does A Speed And Endurance Test Run Get You?

No training with my running partner this morning as he is doing a 5k this evening. Not a huge problem since I was needing to do a short speed & endurance test run this morning. We’ll see how it affects the rest of the training plan. Unfortunately, these sorts of runs end up resulting in…