An “Easy” 5 Mile Recovery Training Run

An “Easy” 5 Mile Recovery Training Run

Decided to hit some of what used to be a pretty regular route for me. I still tweaked it a bit though. Today was supposed to be an “easy” run but it was more of a “comfortable” run for me, basically if I was comfortable running a sub-8 minutes per mile then that is what…
Knocking Out A Hot 18 Miles

Knocking Out A Hot 18 Miles

Knocked out a long 18 miles with my running partner this morning. Glad to have someone to help keep me going. “If you want to run fast, run alone. If you want to run far, run in community.” The second half of the run was hot out in that sun. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water
I Love Thursday Morning Training Runs

I Love Thursday Morning Training Runs

Another Thursday morning training run in the books with my running partner. I look forward to our Thursday runs and catching up on each others’ lives. The relationships are one of the big things I love about being a part of the #HWI team. #GRMarathon #Run4Water #RunningRelationships Wyoming, Michigan, USA
Beating The Urge To Go Back To Bed

Beating The Urge To Go Back To Bed

A little windy this morning but it made for a nice cool run. I didn’t feel like I slept very well so it was hard to get going this morning. The thought crossed my mind a couple of times to just skip the run today and go back to bed. I couldn’t get myself to…
Cool And Comfortable 14 Mile Training Run

Cool And Comfortable 14 Mile Training Run

Had a nice cool 14 mile run this morning. It’s amazing how much cooler temperatures make a difference in how you feel on the longer runs. Felt great all the way to the end. It was a bit shorter run than last week of course. Loved seeing everyone out for the group run this morning….