First Hill Training Run Of 2019

First Hill Training Run Of 2019

Things warmed up a little this morning. I got a little bit of a later start today. I had a hard time sleeping last night, perhaps because of all the holiday eating yesterday. Still had a good run in though. I even tackled some hill training. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus
Another New Year…Of Running

Another New Year…Of Running

Got another New Year’s day run in this morning. As you can see it was a pretty cold morning. I think I’m just about ready for anything that might hit for Groundhog Day Marathon. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus
Preflight Long Run

Preflight Long Run

Since our family was flying to Minnesota very early the next morning I decided to get my long run in the night before. It started out very strange because as I ran I felt like I was slowly trudging along but when my audio coach gave me updates it was saying I was doing a…
Christmas Eating Recovery Run

Christmas Eating Recovery Run

Some people may not realize that I actually love food. One of my downfalls is also that I’m an emotional eater. That made the commitment to drastically change my eating habits no simple task. There were a couple of things that helped me stay the course on my journey to a healthier lifestyle. The first…
A Training Run Of Reflection

A Training Run Of Reflection

This morning was not only filled with worship time but also some time of reflecting on the holiday and the joy of celebrating with family the birth of our Savior. I’m thankful for the day we had to put all of the challenges of recent days, weeks, and months aside and enjoy time together with…
5K+ Christmas Morning Training Run

5K+ Christmas Morning Training Run

After opening presents with the kids, and helping them get their gifts ready to play with, I headed out for a short Christmas run. I pushed it a bit as I wanted to make sure I wasn’t gone from the family too long. The kids were up before 5am this morning so it was good…