Running And Giving Thanks
Back at it after my camping vacation. I commend those that are able to stick with the training while on vacation. My love right now isn’t really conducive to running while on vacation much. It was nice to back out running having some worship and prayer time. I spent some time giving God thanks for…

Running With Purpose And Hope
I really worked on trying to keep it an easy run, and not push myself so hard, this morning. I made a point of listening to my heart rate, especially for a long easy run. I definitely had a lot on my mind. When I start lifting people, and needs, up to God in prayer…

New Hill Training Route And Focus On Why I Run
New training route this morning, something with a bit more hills. I was still a little soar from the half marathon on Saturday but there wasn’t any noticable increase in pain during my run which is encouraging. I spent time specifically focusing on why I run and thinking back on my time in Sierra Leone….

Reflecting On My Sierra Leone Experience While Running
Since we’re gone camping this weekend I decided to get my long run in before we left. I was thinking a lot about my experience in Sierra Leone while I ran, including those specific people I had the opportunity to meet. I miss being there and am a little saddened that I may not get…

Praying For Rain And Wells In Sierra Leone
As I felt the light rain coming down as I ran I couldn’t help but think of #SierraLeone and the long drive season they, putting a strain on water supplies. I especially thought of the village of #Ronkorhun and their struggles for water. I continue to pray for the rains needed to grow their crops…