Final Flight Leg and Arriving in Sierra Leone

We got on our flight to Paris. It was nice to have most of us fairly close together on the flight.
We had a short time in Paris at the airport. Got some coffee recharged electronic device and took a chance to get to know each other better.
Mike likes to be the jokester of the group. I don’t think any of us got much sleep in on the flight from Paris to Freetown. Dawn beat me at a game of checkers on the in flight media system.
Leaving the airport was quite the experience and spectacle. We had a large group of young men that insisted on helping us get to the World Hope vehicles.
Curtis and I got to ride in the World Hope pickup on the drive to Makeni. Nothing like experiencing driving at night in Africa. I’m thankful for our driver’s ability to master navigating around everything from goats, ducks, children, scooters/motorcycles loaded with people, broken down vehicles, and on coming traffic that seemed to own the road.
The rest of the team road in the van together.
Awesome update! We’re praying for you all and thankful things are going smoothly. Be safe and keep the updates coming.
The Romig Family